Settings - E-Mail & FTP - E-mail - Basic

Use E-mail (You need to enable the alarm dialog box for this feature to work; this is to avoid a loop)

This is the overall checkbox to enable or disable the mail. If you have this enabled, the e-mail settings filled in corectly and the alarm dialog box enabled, then an e-mail will be sent <phew>


Your own (or PC's) e-mail address, make sure it's an e-mail address as some mail server do no like anything else


To who you want to send the e-mail, if you want to send it to more then one address please use a ; between each e-mail address


The subject of the e-mail, if you put $PCNAME in there then MBM will replace that with the name from your PC

Add Time and date to e-mail Subject

Check this box to have the time and date added to the subject

What kind of E-mail protocol you want to use

Here you select either MAPI or SMTP, your selection here determins what you see on the E Mail - Settings page

Send Test e-mail using current configuration

Press the e-mail button to do this, that way you can simply check your settings